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Utilizing offshore renewables effectively is essential for transitioning to a net-zero economy in greenhouse gas emissions

Habilitações requeridas:
Master's Degree in Engineering or alike
Ocean energy
Sector de actividade: Sector energético
EDP (Research and Development)

Hybrid offshore renewable energy systems, encompassing combinations like solar-wind, wave-wind, and solar-wave-wind, remain underutilized despite their potential. This thesis will investigate the complex logistical and technical challenges involved in the grid integration and market participation of hybridized offshore technologies. This thesis addresses the challenges associated with optimizing the grid integration of such offshore farms, including considerations such as the choice between AC or DC transmission cables, connection to offshore and onshore substations, and balancing economic and technical factors. Furthermore, the research explores the study of the energy dispatch strategies of these hybrid farms and their participation in energy markets through the analysis of various market models, evaluating market revenues and the performance of different generation technologies.


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