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Modelling AC/DC Hybrid Grid Planning and Operation Towards Growing DER Penetration

Habilitações requeridas:
Master's Degree in Engineering or alike
AC/DC hybrid grid, Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), Grid planning, Grid operation integration optimization and stability, Control strategies
Sector de actividade: Sector energético
EDP (Research and Development)

This research focuses on modelling AC/DC hybrid grid planning and operation to accommodate the increasing penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). The research will investigate the integration of AC and DC components in power systems, optimizing the planning and operation of hybrid grids to effectively manage DERs. Key objectives include developing advanced modelling techniques, assessing grid stability and reliability under high DER penetration scenarios, and designing optimal control strategies for hybrid grid operation. Through simulation and analysis, this study aims to provide insights into the technical and economic feasibility of hybrid grids, facilitating the transition towards a more sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure.


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