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Unveiling Seamless Mobility: Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and the Future of Urban Transportation

Habilitações requeridas:
Master's Degree in Engineering or alike
Seamless Mobility, Mobility as a Service (MaaS), Urban transportation, Integration of transportation modes, Public transit, Ridesharing
Sector de actividade: Sector energético
EDP (Research and Development)

The proposed research aims to unveil the concept of Seamless Mobility through an investigation of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and its implications for the future of urban transportation. The research will explore the integration of various transportation modes, including public transit, ridesharing, micromobility solutions, and autonomous vehicles, within a unified, user-centric platform. Key objectives include analysing MaaS deployment models, assessing user adoption patterns, evaluating socio-economic impacts, and designing policy frameworks to support MaaS implementation. By leveraging data analytics, user surveys, and scenario modelling, this study seeks to provide actionable insights for urban planners, policymakers, and industry stakeholders to realize a more efficient, sustainable, and equitable urban mobility ecosystem.


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